Coastal Sage Montessori
Cultivating Mindfulness Part 2: Resources
Jul 22, 2024

Elizabeth Heller’s mission is to empower children and teens to self-manage emotional and physical wellness with the evidence-based tools of breathwork, body movement, and journaling. Elizabeth recently shared resources for using mindfulness in our families and with our children.

You have shared a lot about mindfulness, movement, and journaling. What resources can you recommend?

First, you are your greatest resource. You know more than you think you do! Using tools to connect with your inner knowledge is the most important resource. You can do this with a simple practice of pausing to notice any body sensation or feeling, without judgment and taking three to five breaths. Even one breath makes a difference.

Noticing is really about listening and paying attention. Researchers (and anyone who uses it) know that social media is a practice of distraction and disconnection. I believe children need to find their inner creativity and imagination long before they are bombarded with images of other people’s ideas and truths. We can learn to count, know colors, and learn the seasons and the alphabet without screen time. 

I suggest trying different family activities like:

  • exploring the library by making a ‘treasure hunt’ for information on whales, or basketball, or the moon
  • teaching kids to read paper maps and then drive places without the GPS (the destination could be a place for a picnic, mini-golf, or a museum)
  • walking outside often and inside when the weather is uncooperative
  • breathing together before a meal or on the way to school
  • doing a one-word check-in before transitions or after to notice and share what you are feeling in the moment, 
  • and, of course, reading with your kids or as a family.

It’s really about mindful attention, connection, and limiting distractions in order to enhance the connection to the self, others, and the world.

Having a journaling practice also helps, so using the Kids Super Journal or Teen Super Journal is an effective and fun way for kids and caregivers to practice mindfulness in minutes a day in their own creative way. Any guide that encourages self-exploration with pen and paper is a great way to explore who we are day-to-day because we are always changing.

Tell us more about the Super Journals.


The Kids Super Journal and Teen Super Journal are 70-day activity books that empower kids and teens to self-manage their emotional and physical wellness with the evidence-based tools of breathing, moving, and journaling. Each of the seven chapters has a “Mindfulness Menu” with fun and simple breath practices and body shapes for that chapter. Each chapter has 10 journal days based on a theme like Building Strength, Feelings Are Like the Weather, Love, and Gratitude.

Each journal day includes a breath and movement option, a feelings report and body sensation check-in, a fun journal prompt, and a positive activity. The journals are designed to help kids and teens create a mindfulness habit in just a few minutes a day. And with tools kids can use immediately and for a lifetime.


Breathing, moving, and journaling require no special training or equipment and are effective right out of the box. Kids and teens can use the books on their own with no special training or adult help necessary. That makes them a wonderful tool for home use and use in schools and mental health organizations and they are being used more and more in all those settings.


I have heard from dozens of adults who have used the Kids Super Journal for themselves and love it. Men and women. And the most common thing they say when they read about the tools in the Super Journals is ‘Oh, is this mindfulness? I can do this.’ The format works for anyone! Simplicity and consistency are key to creating a wellness habit. The Super Journals help kids and teens (and adults) do that.

Also, it’s important to remember that the key to mindful journaling is to simply write down whatever you notice at that moment. Spelling, grammar, punctuation, and pretty prose do not matter. You don’t even have to answer the prompt if you want to write or draw about something else. There is no right or wrong way to journal and there should also be no pressure to share. Journaling can only be effective if we feel free to express ourselves without anyone else reading or seeing what we journaled.

Are there ways families can have this kind of experience together?

In addition to breathing together and physical activity together, creating a journal jar as a family is also a great practice and as an option for kids to choose on their own.


To create a journal jar, find a big glass jar or jug. As a family, everyone writes down journal questions on slips of paper. It helps to choose a theme and include questions about feelings. Then put the papers in the jar.

Every day at a designated time (like before or after dinner) have kids take turns choosing a question from the jar. Put a timer on for five minutes and everyone (including adults) can journal their response. Drawing counts as journaling so small children can also participate.

Keep the Journal Jar in an accessible place along with markers and paper so kids and teens can use it whenever they want to. You can also read a question aloud and share your thoughts together as a family.


Can you give some examples of how people have implemented these practices?

Older students have shared that they wished they could have learned about mindfulness when they were younger because they thought that would have really helped them have a better high school experience.

I’ve also had some teachers decide to use the Super Journals for themselves. One music teacher said, “It was luxurious to spend those five minutes or so every morning with myself on those pages.”

It’s important to remember that curiosity is everything. If we start with curiosity we can say to our child, “I notice you are running in circles. I’m curious.” Start there. Then the next step is to teach our child to be curious. With this, there is a place to find a response versus a reaction and most importantly learn something in the moment by staying in connection.

We will always be in connection with other humans, so modeling is so important. We are teaching kids how to be connected and participate in the world and how to help other people do the same. This way we are setting up children to have cohesive relationships, which is the foundation of a healthy, joyful life. With breathing, moving, and journaling we are giving kids tools to self-manage their lives – their emotional lives, their physical lives, their social lives – and explore them. 

What is so beautiful about humans is who we are inside. That is our uniqueness. The more we understand who that is and how to express it, the more we grow. That is what is beautiful, fun, and interesting as we move through the journey of living!

29 Jul, 2024
In Montessori, we want children to embrace mistakes as opportunities to understand how to improve. Our goal is for children to understand that feedback is important for knowing what still needs to be done and what still can be learned. What does feedback look like in Montessori classrooms? We take care to cultivate a culture of feedback. Even at the early childhood level, we start this approach with a gentle noticing that allows children to begin to develop some self-assessment. For example, when we see that someone has left their chair out, rather than reminding and instructing by saying something like, “Push in your chair,” we offer an observation, “I see that your chair is out.” By making a neutral observation, we provide children with the chance to notice and make a choice. They can make their own realization: “Oh, I forgot to push my chair in!” As a result, children can have agency in the process. In social situations, we can use similar reflections. When someone is unkind to a peer, we might say, “It looks like your friend/sibling/classmate is feeling hurt.” We can also wonder aloud: “I wonder what would help them feel better. Should we check?” Or “Would you like some help checking in with them?” Ultimately, children want to do the right thing. But when we overinstruct or always dictate what should happen, we deprive children of the opportunity to develop their own inner drive to make the right choice and follow through with action. How does Montessori support self-assessment? Many of the Montessori learning materials are “self-correcting” or have a built-in “control of error,” which means children can tell if they have done an activity inaccurately and try again without an adult needing to intervene. In our primary classrooms, the sensorial materials offer an excellent example of how the materials help children assess their own mistakes. If the largest cube isn’t used at the base of the pink tower, and then the next largest is placed progressively after, the tower won’t be stable. If the last knobbed cylinder doesn’t fit in the last space in the cylinder block, it’s clear that the pieces need to be rearranged. Because the materials are designed to give feedback, children begin to learn early on that they can recognize, understand, correct, and learn from mistakes. As the materials get more advanced, children are able to use answer keys to check and correct their work. They can use control cards to see if they have used labels or identification markers accurately. Children are able to take control of their own learning and not rely on adult correction or judgment. The result? Children are motivated to try new things and take risks in their learning. How does this approach work with more advanced academics? As children get older and need feedback on essays or other work, we are careful about how we frame our responses. We recognize that our responses can significantly impact motivation, self-esteem, and a love of learning. Therefore, rather than emphasizing failure with red marks and X’s, we emphasize areas for growth. A focus on growth can start with noticing what is right. For example, perhaps an elementary-aged child is working through a series of geometry lessons and has tried to abstractly determine the area of different shapes. By noticing what has been mastered, we are providing feedback about areas of strength: “Wow! You really aced a number of questions about area. You must feel really confident with calculating the area of squares and rectangles!” Recognizing what is going well sends a message that students’ efforts are valuable and that their hard work toward mastery has an impact. It’s important to note that this is slightly different than praise. Rather, we are highlighting success instead of focusing on failures. It’s a subtle shift but one that makes a huge difference. In addition, we ensure that any feedback offers room for students to revise and improve their work. Whether children are working on honing an essay or mastering long division, we ensure that they have the chance to incorporate the information, repeat or revise their attempts, and move toward mastery. In reality, children love checking and discussing their own answers! Their conversations about mistakes, corrections, and revisions are the place where really fruitful learning often happens. Older children typically enjoy debating and discussing wrong answers with each other. In the process, Montessori students begin to understand mistakes as a place to explore and grow, which ultimately strengthens their critical thinking skills. Why is a healthy approach to feedback beneficial? The authors of Thanks for the Feedback: The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well researched feedback and found that learning how to receive feedback effectively is key to healthy relationships and our professional lives. We want our students to develop a healthy and positive relationship with feedback so they understand that feedback is a gift that allows us to become better as people and at what we do. Montessori children develop confidence and self-sufficiency through work with self-correcting materials, thoughtful space for revision and mastery, and intentional messaging from adults. They learn to appreciate opportunities for critical thinking and problem-solving. We invite you to come see how children embrace opportunities for growth and mastery. Schedule a tour today! We’d love to hear your feedback!
Cultivating Mindfulness Part 2: Resources
22 Jul, 2024
Elizabeth Heller promotes mindfulness for kids through breathing, movement, & journals, enhancing emotional & physical wellness & family connection.
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